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Blog DARAH DAUD 303 Memiliki aktivitas antara lain: penelitian, penulisan & konseling

Rabu, 01 Januari 2020

MEANINGFUL MESSAGE FROM THE SMART COMEDIAN ("Why Does Jakarta Always TERENDAM When The Rainy Season Arrive?")

By Rama Cristo.

Have you seen the video attached? Just have a look through this link below. What an amazing video. Very entertaining. It seemed like someone out there intended addressing his or her meaningful message to Mr. BTP's admirers across the NKRI. Find out for yourself, what BTP stands for.

All I (Rama Cristo) want to say is: I was so madly curious and then wondering, who was the real weird person that designed this amazing compilation video? It doesn't matter who the real
person is? But this was a very interesting creativity. And one important thing that I could guessed was that the person must be a true smart Comedian and also obviously had a high sense of humour.
There are 2 unexpected questions for both Jakarta and Dili.

And the answers to these two unexpected questions probably make you feel annoyed. The first question is, "Why does Jakarta always "TERENDAM" when the rainy season arrive?" The only answer is: Because Jakarta was colonized by AMSTERDAM for more than 350 years. And the second one is: "Why in Dili there was existed an organization which called PORTUGAL (Persatuan Orang Tua Gatal)?" Because Dili was colonized by PORTUGAL for 460 years (from 1515 to 1975, the longest colonialism of the history of human civilization).

If you want to have a look the amazing compilation video, just klik this link:

Anyway, I wish you all a wonderful New Year first day. Make everything meaningful with your beloved one. Thanks for reading. God bless. Good luck.

Dili, Timor Leste, 1st - January - 2020.

Rama Cristo.

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