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Blog DARAH DAUD 303 Memiliki aktivitas antara lain: penelitian, penulisan & konseling

Kamis, 07 Januari 2021

OBAMA'S PERSPECTIVE (January 7th 2021)


History will rightly remember today’s violence at the Capitol, incited by a sitting president who has continued to baselessly lie about the outcome of a lawful election, as a moment of great dishonor and shame for our nation. But we’d be kidding ourselves if we treated it as a total surprise.

For two months now, a political party and its accompanying media ecosystem has too often been unwilling to tell their followers the truth — that

Rabu, 06 Januari 2021

BRITAIN-INDONESIA: Women Who Wrecked Jet In Timor Protest Walk Free


By IPS Correspondents Reprint |      

IPS Correspondents

LONDON, Jul 31 1996 (IPS) - A British jury has acquitted three women who broke into an aircraft plant and wrecked a Hawk jet destined for the Indonesian air force.

Suster Portugal Dikabarkan Meninggal 2 Hari Usai Vaksin Covid


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --

Seorang asisten bedah anak di Porto, Portugal dilaporkan meninggal dunia dua hari setelah mendapatkan suntikan vaksin corona buatan Pfizer. Otoritas kesehatan setempat saat ini tengah menyelidiki penyebab kematian mendadak tersebut.

Perawat yang diidentifikasi sebagai Sonia Acevedo ini bekerja sebagai asisten bedah anak di Instituto Portugues de Oncologia (IPO) di Porto, sebuah rumah sakit onkologi.

Jumat, 01 Januari 2021

Sé Lós Mak Atu Eleitu ba Prezidente Repúblika iha Eleisoins Prezidensial 2022?


A. Objetivu

Horiseik, 31 Dezembru 2020, hau posting artigu ida ho titulu: "Memoria Ineskezivel 31 Dezembru 1985". Atraves artigu refere, hau mensiona kona-ba "Quiz Berhadiah Pulsa 21 Dolar". Objetivu lolós hodi halao "Quiz Berhadiah Pulsa 21 dolar" refere, atu konfirma deit, se-los mak sei eleitu ba Eleisoins Prezidensial 2022.

B. Métodu.

Métodu uza ba dada rifa orsida, mak blind system method.

Entretantu, fo hatene ba belun sira ne'ebe disponibel fo ona resposta kona-ba "Quiz Berhadiah 21 Dolar", komu ema barak mak fo resposta, no resposta los ne'e barak, entaun hau tenki halo lai "tabulasi data".

Kamis, 31 Desember 2020

MEMORIA INESKESIVEL 31 DEZEMBRU 1985 (Quiz Berhadiah 21 Dolar Ba Estudantes)


Iha 31 Dezembru 1985, tamba deit atu dansa ho doben iha Atsabe hodi simu tinan foun (1986), tuku 9 dader, hau sai husi Dili, sa'e truck ba tun iha "Simpang Tiga" Ermera. Bolu Simpang Tiga, tamba iha kruzamentu 3: 
1. Ba Dili
2. Ba Ermera Kota Lama.
3. Ba Letefoho-Atsabe. 
Sai husi Dili, ho konviksaun ida katak, pasti iha transporte husi Simpang Tiga ba Atsabe. Sa-tan atu simu tinan foun, konserteza ema viazen barak. 
Mas saida mak akontese? To'o Simpang Tiga, tuku 11. Truck hatun hela hau, truck tama ba Ermera Kota Lama. Hau hein karreta atu ba Atsabe. Mas hein ba hein, hein ba hein, karreta atu ba Atsabe laiha. Jangankan ba Atsabe, ba deit Letefoho mos laiha. Hein to'o tuku 5 lorokraik, nein